Over serious issues as 160k of patrons’ plea for reconsideration to keep its doors open fell on deaf ears.
Big iconic London nightclub
The astounding news broke last Saturday morning that north London city council authorities decided to revoke the business license of a Big Iconic London Nightclub, although thousands of patrons submitted a urgent requests to mitigate the decision for a specific period while club authorities exercised legal measures to clear their names from the swirling allegations.
The current, the city’s Mayor, has expressed dashed hope and great disapproval after getting wind of the news and stated that night clubs are essentially an integral part of their entertainment and social ethics. He further added that the ratings of nightclubs within the regions had plummeted to an appalling low level over the past fifteen years and that the decline in activities ought to stop if the city were to retain its status as the city’s outstanding night club entity. Attorneys for the Big Iconic London Nightclub had assembled at the north London city council meeting to present their cases for the club license to be re-instated. But authorities, however, have made a determination, when the loss of four young persons were discovered among some type of drugs or paraphernalia during investigation around the club’s compound, and members of the security forces theorised that their deaths could be a telling results of overdosage from excess alcohol intake and shooting heroine.
A few weeks ago, the Municipal law enforcement agents applied to city’s council authorities to revoke the club’s license. Disc Jockey, (un-named), who was employed as an entertainment artiste at the club for fifteen years, emphasised that he was traumatised by the news. “I am surprised and in utter confusion”, he retorted, “I have mixed emotions of rage and in a state of disarray”. He further went on, “It would be a disastrous blow to the region’s entrepreneurship and clubs across the country. He added that the survival of the club is of great importance within the community and now it has been vilified by authorities for illicit activities during its operations. The DJ went on to say that he could not determine whether or not the entrepreneurs of the nightclub decided to appeal, but further added that he hoped that club would be given another chance to clean up its act and things be brought back to normal pretty soon.
An informant of this Big Iconic London Nightclub confided that the entrepreneurs for the nightclub were in utter disagreement with the city council’s decision to revoke the license. He further stated that this was extremely a day of lamentation for those patrons who have supported the workers and those hundreds of staff members who were affected by the loss of their livelihood; however, closing this Iconic London Nightclub was not the answer to clubs with narcotics related issues like theirs and that they are working to prevent abuse of drugs and set goals to foster growth and success for the city’s nightclub industry.
Mayor had previously promised that he was determined to go the extra mile to protect the city’s reputation and famous clubs despite London losing around 50% of its night-venues since 2008, but further added that the Mayor’s and Greater London Authority city hall authorities did not have the political clout to intervene in licensing issues, but admitted that he is appealing to everyone involved to find a solution to ensure that the club remains open and protect those who wish to enjoy nightclub and London’s ever growing 24hour entertainment in the region especially with the recent announcement of London underground Central line started to run for 24 hours on the weekends in summer 2016.
Another informant assigned to the Municipal Security Agency reported that the lawmen felt the need to act accordingly because of deep concerns about the safety of those attending nightclubs that supply narcotics on the compounds and the recent deaths of four persons were in connection with the club and its activities. The security agents have stated that they are in collaboration with the decision made by City Council Licensing Board and that the city is famous for its good reputation and people should be able to enjoy themselves to the fullest without any concerns of serious criminal activities. They concluded also, that the Municipal security forces are dedicated and committed to working in collaboration with those responsible for that region to ensure that they achieve their aspiring goal.